Contango - definitie. Wat is Contango
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Wat (wie) is Contango - definitie

  • date=December 2017}} This graph does not show the [[forward curve]] (which plots against maturities on the horizontal).

·noun The postponement of payment by the buyer of stock on the payment of a premium to the seller. ·see Backwardation.
II. Contango ·noun The premium or interest paid by the buyer to the seller, to be allowed to defer paying for the stock purchased until the next fortnightly settlement day.
¦ noun Brit. Stock Exchange the normal situation in which the spot or cash price of a commodity is lower than the forward price.
?historical a percentage paid by a buyer of stock to postpone transfer to a future settling day.
C19: prob. an arbitrary formation on the pattern of Latin verbs ending in -o in the first person singular, perh. with the idea 'I make contingent' (see contingent).
Contango is a situation where the futures price (or forward price) of a commodity is higher than the expected spot price of the contract at maturity. In a contango situation, arbitrageurs or speculators are "willing to pay more [now] for a commodity [to be received] at some point in the future than the actual expected price of the commodity [at that future point].



Contango is a situation where the futures price (or forward price) of a commodity is higher than the expected spot price of the contract at maturity. In a contango situation, arbitrageurs or speculators are "willing to pay more [now] for a commodity [to be received] at some point in the future than the actual expected price of the commodity [at that future point]. This may be due to people's desire to pay a premium to have the commodity in the future rather than paying the costs of storage and carry costs of buying the commodity today." On the other side of the trade, hedgers (commodity producers and commodity holders) are happy to sell futures contracts and accept the higher-than-expected returns. A contango market is also known as a normal market, or carrying-cost market.

The opposite market condition to contango is known as backwardation. "A market is 'in backwardation' when the futures price is below the expected spot price for a particular commodity. This is favorable for investors who have long positions since they want the futures price to rise to the level of the current spot price".

Note: In industry parlance, contango may refer to the situation when futures prices (or forward prices) are above the current spot price, or a far-dated futures price is above a near-dated futures price, and the expectation is for the spot price to rise to the futures price at maturity, or the near-dated futures price to rise to the far-dated futures price.

The futures or forward curve would typically be upward sloping (i.e. "normal"), since contracts for further dates would typically trade at even higher prices. The curves in question plot market prices for various contracts at different maturities — cf. term structure of interest rates. "In broad terms, backwardation reflects the majority market view that spot prices will move down, and contango that they will move up. Both situations allow speculators (non-commercial traders) to earn a profit."

Contango is normal for a non-perishable commodity that has a cost of carry. Such costs include warehousing fees and interest forgone on money tied up (or the time-value-of money, etc.), less income from leasing out the commodity if possible (e.g. gold). For perishable commodities, price differences between near and far delivery are not a contango. Different delivery dates are in effect entirely different commodities in this case, since fresh eggs today will not still be fresh in 6 months' time, 90-day treasury bills will have matured, etc.

Voorbeelden uit tekstcorpus voor Contango
1. A weak fuel oil crack and deepening contango on Dubai, pushed Oman further down, traders said.
2. They said the low prices and widening contango on Dubai crude were pointing to an oversupplied Middle East market.
3. "Last night when the EFS was trading higher, the contango was not so strong.
4. When later dated prices are higher than near month ones, the market is regarded as being in contango.
5. A contango can be a sign of temporary surplus in physical commodity markets, and it encourages inventory building.